Monday, 29 July 2013

Back to Jillian

Body Revolution Round 2 - Day 1 - Workout 3
So today I decided to get back to my old pal Jill, for Body Revolution workout 3. I was going to re-start the entire programme but workouts 1 & 2 just feel too easy the 2nd time around.
I am a creature of routine and habit and I like order and planning so going back to a structured workout programme will help ensure I stay on track. If I have to workout 6 days a week without fail I find it easier to accomplish than just deciding to run when I can (because everyone knows you never get round to it really) I am looking forward to dropping some inches with this programme again, since stopping I am feeling very blobby and weak. I used to scowl and curse every time the scale didn't budge but now I can tell I was really changing my body shape, although with muscle it is a case of use it or lose it - and fast!
We still have just over 5 weeks until the boys return to school and trying to keep them entertained whilst simultaneously potty training Oscar may just push me over the edge. We have just bought a folding camper and have a few camping trips coming up so that should keep them happy for a while. Today I am going to wear them out by getting them to dig me a new hedge border in the garden. What? they'll love getting stuck in and getting plastered in mud!

Monday, 22 July 2013

Re-fuelling the flame

I haven't been very fitness focused lately and it shows on this blog and the scale. I have gained 4lbs since the middle of June. I am not surprised, I have let my eating get off track and have not got my exercise in either BUT it stops here. I will not let my weight slowly creep up while the kids are off school for the next 6 weeks like I have done before. I am trying desperately to re kindle that flame of motivation that we all have in the beginning, but which dwindles and eventually dies out when we become comfortable.
I know I can lose weight and get into a routine with exercise if I put my mind to it and writing here helps keep me accountable.
I am returning to counting old style weight watcher points, it works for me so why change it?  I am also going to get running again. A lot. I am planning to join the realms of the ever increasing group of early morning exercisers. If I get up at 5am and have a cup of tea and watch a bit of news to wake me up, I can then get my run and shower done before Mr F leaves for work, leaving my whole day free to spend doing more fun things than working out!
I know I have to get back on track now. I was so pleased with my progress before and I don't want to be another statistic that gains back everything I have lost time and time again.

That being said, I have had a wonderful few weeks. We have finally had some hot summer weather here and we have been making the most of it.
Miniature train rides with Granddad 

Body boarding at pebbly beaches
Outdoor picnic at a remote control air show

Quiet mornings at the seaside while the big boys were at school
Who says paddling pools are just for kids?

Sandy beach fun

And I finally got my ride on a Harley Davidson.

Was it scary? yes, I was pretty sure I was coming off the back more than once!

Was it noisy? yes, even with a helmet on it was deafening!

Should I have been wearing a jacket? 100% yes but my bro assured me we were just going down the seafront at 10 mph. Of course once he got little sis out on the open road he couldn't resist whipping up to 70 mph and I had visions of losing inches of skin for the entire time on that road. Next time full body armour at least!

Would I go again? Hell yes, it was fantastic and definitely one to cross off my bucket list.

Oh and just to get completely caught up, remember my last post about wanting to workout and ache the next day? well I did level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Having got to workout 8 on her body revolution programme I figured piece of cake right? wrong. I grabbed my 5lb weights and pretty much kept up with advanced Natalie the entire way through. The next day? I could barely walk let alone come down stairs without crying out. The following 3 days I was in so much pain I felt like I had been hit by a bus (not that I know what that feels like but I'm pretty sure this was close) A little advice, start slowly when you haven't done anything for a while otherwise you will be very sorry.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Getting your head in the game

So my last post was all "I'm back from my holiday, time to get back on the healthy train"  Did I do it? Nope. I will let you all in on a little secret, it is H A R D to get your head back in the game after completely letting go for a few weeks.

A problem I am having is one I know other people who have lost weight struggle with. It's the one when you think to yourself I've lost 25/50/100 lbs (delete as appropriate) and I feel good. I have worked hard and dropped dress sizes, I have received positive comments and feel better about myself than I have in along time, so I give up. I know I'm still over weight and I know I don't want to gain the weight I've lost but I just keep thinking at least I'm 23 lbs better than I was.  That is not how I want to feel. I need that passion and fire back, the motivation that got me to this point in the first place. I need to remember my goals were not just to be a bit over weight, they were to become the best version of myself I possibly can. I want to be an athlete, I want muscle and body definition, I want to lower my body fat to a healthy level. I am happy at how much I have achieved but I want more and I am going to have to work my ass off to get it.

So all that aside it's time to devise a plan. I have been walking the boys to school and back but not much else. I am becoming a pro at maintaining but I need to step it up a notch and start dropping pounds again. It's Thursday though and my automatic response to working out is why not wait until Monday, get the weekend over with first. NO NO NO Mrs F that is NOT the right attitude at all. If I work out today I can get FOUR workouts in by Monday. It won't magically transport me to my goal but it's four steps closer than if I do nothing at all! So after dropping the boys at school I will drop Oscar at my parent's, come home and workout. I'm not sure what yet but I know I want to wake up tomorrow feeling sore so I expect Jillian Michaels will feature somewhere along the way!

I am linking up with

and my NSV for today will be to get back to working out

After my workout I am going to attempt to do my own acrylic nails for the 3rd time. The first two attempts were not bad even if I do say so myself and I am getting better.

First attempt

 Second attempt

I will be back tomorrow to report which workout I chose and how I got on

Monday, 1 July 2013

And so I'm back - from outer space

Hi everyone, I'm back!

I have had a fantastic few weeks in France with my family and feel very content and rested. I ate EVERYTHING I wanted too, when in France you have to have copius amounts of fresh croissants, sample all the cheeses and drink plenty of good wine. I may have gained a pound or two but nothing drastic.

The main thing is how good I felt about myself while we were there. Just before I left I wrote  this post explaining how I never felt I had done enough to feel good on vacation and how I felt Mr F deserved better. I ended that post hoping I had some pictures I wouldn't be ashamed to keep and remember the fun times.  I am so pleased I made the decision to get fit and healthier when I did. It was worth every run, every aching muscle, even every frustrated tear to be told by my mother in law how strong my legs look and how I must have worked so hard to lose the weight. I felt proud of myself and I truly did feel like I was worthy of the love of my Husband. 

Me & my Princess

On a Velorail (kind of a 5 seater bike that runs on a train track)

 In the pool at night

I may have had one wine too many and was actually balancing ON the pool table
I have sooo many more pictures but I haven't been back long and the unpacking is a huge task.
I have enjoyed my break from healthy eating but I know I still have a way to go and I will not let myself pile on the pounds again. Healthy eating starts today and I am planning my new workout routine to start very soon.
I hope everyone else is still pushing one step closer to their goals.