Monday, 13 May 2013

Body Revolution, C25K & Weekly Goals

Great it's Monday morning. Said no one. Ever.

I however, am feeling positive today. I actually quite like Monday's, it's a chance to wipe the slate clean and start a fresh week.

Body Revolution - Phase 2 - Workout 7

I got this done on Saturday morning while the boys played the Wii. It is a fast paced workout with some really good moves, I like it.
The boat pose is hard to hold but I did my best and I could feel it when I laughed the next day. That to me is progress, it is changing my body for the better!
I am getting better at the crow push ups and the plank ups - Body Revolution is definitely building my upper body strength.
Downward dog push-ups = interesting. I sort of get it but it feels very un-natural. I'm not sure if this is to build shoulders or back or what really.
The chest press & chest fly with leg raises also seem to kill my abs. I really enjoy doing them & use my 10's every time.
Yes, after completing the workout I did indeed feel like Jillian had "beaten me like I owe her money" (do the workout, you'll get it) so I decided I may as well get on with my next workout straight away................

Couch to 5K - Week 6 - Day 1

I did this on the treadmill and it was tough after workout 7. I had to run 5 minutes walk 3, run 8, walk 3 then run 5 so a total of 18 minutes running. It feels like a bit of a step back after running 20 minutes but it does condition your body for longer runs.
When I felt like dying (the last 5 minutes) EMINEM'S "Lose yourself" came on my I pod. The beginning lines really struck a cord with me
"Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?"
It got me pushing harder and brought out that inner fighter.
Then the chorus
"You better lose yourself in the music, the moment
You own it, you better never let it go
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow
This opportunity comes once in a lifetime"
I recommend it to anyone to stick on their running play list.
All in all a good morning's workouts burning 603 calories.
Sunday was my rest day although we took Ruby and the boys for a long walk along the beach.
Body Revolution - Phase 2 - Workout 8
This one I did today. I like it more than workout 7 actually. Except the warm up. I don't think I'll become a surfer anytime soon.
I still struggle with the torture tubes I have. The resistance for the leg extensions and the bicycle crunches seems hard to get right. I may try the harder band next time. 
The dead lift with curls seems easy even with 10's. I could do with going heavier on this one. It's my birthday soon, maybe I'll be surprised with some new weights.
The side lunge with crossover still makes my butt feel like it's going to fall off or something. When Jillian says right let's do it again I think "Noooo Mooooore"
Even after all my complaining, I love what is happening to my body with these workouts. I have days when I really don't want to bother but it is so worth it in the end.
I haven't taken many food photos recently but this was a really nice dinner. It was ginger & garlic chicken served over white cabbage. I'm hooked on white cabbage at the moment (oh well better than chips I suppose)

Last week I linked up with
 Operation Skinny Jeans

My Goals were

1. Drink Drink Drink! (water) Achieved

2. Get the boys homework/reading done as soon as it is issued An improvement on last week

3. No wine until Friday 1 out of 3 ain't bad

4. Be more present Another improvement here but could do better

This weeks goals
1. No alcohol Monday, Tuesday or Thursday (out to dinner for Jakey's Birthday Tuesday)
2. Complete week 6 of C25K
3. Make time for reading the boys a story before bed (it's become a bit hit & miss lately & they do love it)

So there you have it. Nothing too major but small, achievable weekly goals.
I hope you are all starting the week on a positive note.
Until tomorrow x x

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