Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Body Revolution Day 38 & C25K - My Butt is crying!

Day 38 - Cardio 2

Today I shall name "What the F*#k Wednesday" as in WTF was I thinking walking the boys to school, followed by cardio 2, followed by C25K Week 4 Day 2. I don't know but I do know my ass HURTS. I have yet to collect the boys from school, I think I may be walking like I've pooped my pants - Great!

Today's workout was horrible for the first 2 circuits. By circuit 3 I realised I was nearly done and I had to suck it up and get on with it. Yes I am feeling like a whiny bitch today. I kept talking to (yelling at) Jillian when she gave us another move or gave some little pep talk about tiny trousers! But in the end I GOT. IT. DONE! calories burnt 285.

C25K Week 4 - Day 2

So as is now customary following the torture that is cardio 2, I hopped on the treadmill for a run. I love my runs - I may face a wall but I get a lot of good thinking done there. 

Today was run 3 minutes - walk 90 seconds - run 5 minutes - walk 2 1/2 minutes - run 3 minutes - walk 90 seconds - run 5 minutes = calories burnt 303

This is my treadmill in the home gym (read dining room/general dumping ground with exercise equipment in)

We also have this weight bench & squat stands

And these Olympic weights

Along with an Olympic bar, a standard bar with more weights, plus my weights for Body Revolution!
Actually it does ALL get used a lot so I don't mind
I'm actually in a really odd mood today. I want to go out for dinner, or get a takeaway and watch a movie with snacks. I have no idea why? I just feel like I want a little fun or an occasion. It is not good that I still link these things with enjoyment, but there you go. At least this is a one off feeling, if I felt this way every day it would be a problem.
I'm still not convinced about this scale ban I've imposed. I want to know! I am doing Body Revolution 6 days a week, C25K 2 days a week and walk 1 hour a day 5 days a week. I eat an average of 1800 calories a day over the week (TDEE - 20%) Surely somethings gotta give, right? Apparently I need 1400 calories a day just to stay alive so if you add in all the extras I'm burning this weight HAS to shift. I feel a little obsessed with it all at the moment, like it's consuming every waking thought. I would love to find a happy healthy balance.
Food today is nothing new (so far - if we do go out I will report back!)
Have you checked out my new about me page up the top there ^  I thought if you're showing up to read this everyday you should at least know a little about me.
I am in the process of creating another page with blogs I love on, so if you have a blog you want featured, drop me a comment with your blog address and I'll check it out.
I have to shuffle down to the school now so I will say Adios - Until tomorrow x 

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