Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter Weekend - Bunnies, Breaks & Bad Backs

Farewell Phase One

Well Phase 1 of JMBR is complete. Woohoo! Today should be the start of phase 2.
Except I have hurt my back. It may be to do with bending down to get Oscar in and out of bed so many times while he has been ill.
Whatever. It hurts. I am in no fit state to be swinging weights around while standing on one leg (and all that crazy sh!t)
 Never mind. I will carry on tomorrow - back permitting - and catch up. Catch up. Not give up. Not Ever.
I cooked a lovely roast dinner for Easter Monday


It was Delicious.

My back is hurting sitting here so I am off to take more pain killers.

I have some exciting changes coming up but all will be revealed soon :)


I found this collage that I created in October.

How many photos are YOU in? Go take one now. Even if you don't look your best, one day you and your children will thank you for it!  
Bailey, Jake & Oscar
I read an article today about how many children were growing up without photos of their Mums
If you think about it, 99% of the time I am behind the camera trying to capture a moment
I am rarely "in" the moment
Until now
From now on I swear to make an effort to appear in photos with all of you, as much as possible (no matter how they turn out!)
Oct 2012


  1. I am one of those moms who is usually behind the camera or I don't want to get in the pic b/c I don't look good or am too fat. You are right I should get myself into more pics. I have decided to start my own blog for Phases two and three to maybe inspire others as you and others have inspired me. It is feel free to follow me. Not sure I will get to update daily like you do but I will do my best. Good luck with WO 5 tomorrow it is a killer on the arms, but I have to say I like it!

    1. Hi Becky,

      I am terrible for snapping pictures of everything then refusing to be in any myself! Then I realised that one day I'll be sad I didn't capture ME enjoying my family. I will definately follow your blog, I love reading others progress. Enjoy workout 6!
